Friday, June 29, 2012

Food Waste Friday: Nada!

Hello everyone, and happy Friday!

This week I had NO waste!
I'm so excited!!!!!!

I did give the chickens a few bits of leftover oats and other odds and ends but didn't count that as waste but rather a save since it gives the chickens extra nutrition and saves the scraps from rotting in a landfill.

I didn't get a chance to post last week because it was my birthday, but we did waste some taco meat which I was pretty upset about. We rarely waste meat, but this just sat out in the pan overnight and so into the trash it went. It was probably about a serving or two.

That's it!

This is kind of a boring here are a few pictures of the kid's new favorite pastime.
They have a small plastic swimming pool, but a huge mud puddle is just so much more fun!

Hope you're having a lovely summer!
It's hot as all get out here, and I'm very much looking forward to fall. These hundred degree + temperatures are just not for me.

This post is shared at The Frugal Girl, who is the brains behind all of this food documentation. :)


Live and Learn said...

That mud puddle looks like so much fun. These pictures must have been taken early in their play because they look pretty clean.

Becca Swan said...

Yep, it was right after they made the puddle. :) They've made several since, it's so cute! I remember doing stuff like that when I was a kid, it was so much fun!