Friday, August 19, 2011

Food Waste Friday, August 19,2011

I'm back!

Last week I skipped Food Waste Friday because I was overwhelmed with tons of other stuff (which; oddly, I can't remember now) and just didn't get to it.
I wasted some leftovers,  almost a whole head of lettuce and probably a few pieces of cilantro that browned.

I'm so sad we wasted this Spaghetti with polish sausage.
It's one of my favorite meals, and just got lost in the back of the fridge.

This week we did okay! I'm kind of proud. We got a whole bag of unexpected free produce last Saturday (woo-hoo!!) and I managed to use almost all of it. We still have some arugula, two cucumbers and a few cherry tomatoes  that need to be eaten, which means we're probably having hummus and veggie pitas for lunch. Yum!

On a sadder note, I found four potatoes that had molded while sitting quietly on their shelf. Thankfully they hadn't begun to stink yet, but I think I was maybe only hours away from the putrid smell of rotting potatoes. I did manage to save five from the bag, and made delicious mashed potatoes for dinner from the good ones. And, I found a whole bag of onions that I didn't remember I had bought! Good thing those didn't mold too!

Other than that, we had 2 wrinkly cherry tomatoes that got tossed into the compost, along with a few arugula leaves that were spotted with brown. That's it! ( sorry, no picture of that, I tossed them before thinking about it.)

I managed to cook okra for the first time this week as well; and we actually liked it! I didn't go the usual route and fry it, I actually made a kind of curry out of it, along with cherry tomatoes and onions. We're having the leftovers of that for dinner tonight, sauced up with some diced tomatoes and plain yogurt. It was kind of dry the first night we had it.  Still, I was pleasantly surprised at how well it turned out.  And that bread was just delicious! We got it along with our free produce. :)

How did you do this week?

Linking to The Frugal Girl


giddy tigress said... fresh produce!! That's fantastic! And I love okra! It's one of my favorite vegetables too!

Becca Swan said...

Yeah, it was great! Some friends were out of town, and they have a CSA at the local farmer's market and asked if we wanted it that week. We said yes, of course! :)