Friday, September 9, 2011

Food Waste Friday, September 9, 2011

Hello, all of you people who read this!

It is Friday- the day where you get to see pictures of spoiled food that we've wasted over the week, in hopes that I will be so embarrassed that I will do my best to reduce our family's food waste so I don't have so many icky pictures. It works pretty well!
This awesome idea was hatched by Kristen at the Frugal Girl, who saw the opportunity to reduce her family's food waste, save money and hold herself accountable to others by starting Food Waste Friday.
I liked the idea so much, I decided to join in on the fun!

This week we did well with food waste; mostly because we went on a shopping trip Tuesday, so we have lots of fresh things to eat! I'm a little concerned about next week, as we have so much food right now that something is bound to go unnoticed and get pushed to the back of the fridge. But that's for next week, so I"ll not worry too much. I'll just try to make sure it doesn't happen.

This week, we wasted a couple of bananas. Not because they went bad, but because Eliana (my little almost- 2- year old) decided to set her half of the banana down on the floor and let dirt and fuzzies get all over it.
I don't have a picture for the bananas, I figured you don't need to see them. If you have kiddos, you know what a gross, fuzzy-covered banana looks like. ;)

The only other thing that we threw away was an old pita  that had been in the fridge for about a month and was pretty much completely brittle.

This makes me sad, because we could've made at least something to use it up. At least it was only about 3/4 of one.

That's it!  
How did you do this week??

Linking to The Frugal Girl

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